Friday, March 27, 2015

Looking back

Finally found where my wedding proposal video was. In May 2012 folder instead of June 2011 which is when it actually happened. It made me think about how that moment is the reason I now have a wonderful husband, beautiful baby girl and great family of "in-loves" to share my life with.  Oh and the picture is the wooden spoons my roommates broke when they went screaming up and down the hall hitting pot to announce my engagement.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Goat came to the birth

she came on my birthday in a dramatic way, but healthy and we are so happy to have her here ^_^.

Last pregnant picture before emergency C-section

first time I get to hold her

She had to go to NICU because of the C-section
 She makes great faces right after she finishes nursing 

Hanging out with mom

looking adorable

so peaceful whens she sleeps

Mom  being creative to keep Nicole's hand out of the way so we can nurse

 We just couldn't take enough picture of her

it look likes she kissing him yet, but shes just resting her head

Goat came to take us home
 Mommy gets  pictures while we depart 

a few with goat of course 

Family pictures

Pictures with Dad

dad being himself

Friday, August 1, 2014

My goat that says moo and graduation

When I went with Chris to his grad fest to get all of his things together I ended up seeing this stuffed animal sitting in the very back of a shelf. For some reason it spoke to my soul. It was the first time that I wanted to buy a stuffed animal. I showed it to Chris and told him I loved this goat and almost wanted to get it. Which he correctly interpreted as I adored it and wanted it for all eternity.  Now here is the thing about my goat.  Everyone says it is a cow: Chris, Dacey, Cindy, the tag and anyone else I showed it to. But when it spoke to me it told me it was a goat and I am pregnant so I get to be crazy like that.  It ended up in the majority of Chris's graduation pictures where I pretended that I had just graduated too (even wore the same outfit). So enjoy the pictures.
Chris's true feelings about graduating

Chris smiling because we told him to
This is Goat at graduation

This is Cindy taking a picture of all of us patiently waiting

this is me realizing Goat couldn't be seen in the picture

This is me happy with Goat

This is Chris walking from commencement, we were going to take a picture going down, but the camera turned off. Cindy and I prayed him up the right isle so this picture could be taken. 

This is us waiting for all the graduates to leave o we could get up and I yelled Mom take a picture, startling Dacey

This is Dacey's reaction to the flash in her face

This was when Dacey was ready for the picture

This is Goat and I  finding Chris in the crowd

Others finding us

Stating the posing with Goat!

Where are we looking?

oh over here

Love this Gal, she really is the reason I got to college. 

Me showing everyone I almost have a baby bump

Bringing in Goat 
Pretending I graduated now too so I can wear my stuff

Being imortalized with my Dads foot

Show the shoe

Finishing the couples shoot

Chris being excited

Us being loving

Which makes Chris Laugh

Bringing Goat into it

Moowaahahaha we re graduated

Chris telling me I love you 

then Giving me a kiss

then dip


dipping me

Graduates with the Familia 

Recreating Chris's first super romantic moment 

What I looked like when it really happened because I was so embarrassed that people were watching us as Uncle Crackers "You make me smile" blasted from his lap top



Kiss ( we didn't  do that the first time)

And sign posing starts with the sun blinding our eye balls!


We were told to make more of a pose

we were told to make less of a pose


Chris being cool

Start the manly dance 

My derp face of smittenness

finding a cute pose

If you have seen once upon a mattress  it makes these picture funnier

The Rexburgers who were still there of the Eliason clan have all left now 

My Turtle on Sebastian the Subaru was the last thing Rexburg saw of us