Tuesday, May 4, 2010

And the world went dark

Today I went to the temple to enjoy the spirit of the lord. After sitting There in the chapel for about 10 minuets all of the sudden the lights went out. Not just the lights in the bottom of the baptistery fount like I did when I leaned against the light switch with my shoulder blade, but every light in the whole building. Soon the coordinator came in and told us that the power was out in the whole city. So we could either wait it out or go home. I thought about it, but what could I do at home that would be better than being at the temple? So I stayed and in an hour or so the lights came back on and everything went as  it normally does. I am sure I will never forget that temple trip.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Why I love my family (2009)

When I got home this is what I did with my family.
 We are all just happy to see each other

A family of Nija Nothing can stop us
except maybe the landing

Super man

Can you get low low low low?

Give me a V!

Raising the bar

