So today in my humanities class (Heroic Journey) Brother Merrill asked us to find art that speaks to the soul. Not referring to sentimentality (main purpose it so appeal to emotions) or didacticism (it tells you what it means), but art that you can just... bring forth something in you, a question, a feeling, something more than just the physicality of it. We were given time after class to look for art work that was like that or just talk about it. My group was acting like a bunch of philistines. They were just ragging on what is the point of humanities and what does it mean any ways. I tried to explain it to them, but they just looked at him like I was a different species. I tried to tell them the point of humanities it to find expressions of being human that connect us. Like with impressionism where they tried to transcend culture by just using shapes or color or motion in a piece of art. And they just asked me how do you know this stuff? And I told them because it fascinates me. I wanted desperately to have them understand why I appreciate art and humanities. I was talking these thoughts with me to my math class and I found that I was doing what they did, but with math. So I decided to make a new goal: appreciate my Math class for what it teaches me and how it helps me understand my world. Now how did this make me realize something about myself? When I get frustrated with someone I try to see why and once I have the why I try to see if it is in my life. And if it is I try to change it because I don't want to be a hypocrite. This also connects to my Family Foundations class, we are learning about love languages, but you can also take a test for apology languages. My apology language was Genuinely Repenting, which means I want them to change so they have learned from the experiences and will avoid doing it again. It’s the same thing I do to myself, so it is what I expect of others.Now look at this picture Jennie showed me, how can you say we don't have any use for humanities or art or math for that matter?
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